The purpose of the Washington Accord is recognition of the equivalence of Accredited Engineering Education Programs leading to the Engineering Degree and is applicable only to Engineers. It is essentially a quality assurance process and is based on world best practice.
The Washington Accord has the following basic terms of agreement:
The Signatories:- Accept that Accreditation procedures are comparable.
- Accept one another’s accredited degrees from the date of admission as a Full Member.
- Agree to identify and encourage implementation of best practise.
- Accept mutual monitoring.
- Accept that it applies to Accreditations in home jurisdictions only.
- Accept the need to encourage licensing and registration authorities to apply the Agreement.
Signatories are:
Australia (Engineers Australia)
Canada (CCPE)
Chinese Taipei (IEET)
Hong Kong, China (HKIE)
Ireland (Enigneers Ireland)
Japan (JABEE)
Korea (ABEEK)
New Zealand (IPENZ)
South Africa (ECSA)
Singapore (IES)
United Kingdom (ECuk)
United States of America (ABET)
Provisional Members are:
Germany (ASIIN)
India (AICTE)
Malaysia (BEM)
Russia (RAEE)
Sri Lanka (Engineers Sri Lanka)
The present Chair is provided by ABET, Dr Win Phillips, and the Secretariat provided by the International Engineering Aliance.